There were 20,000 people according to the police, 25,000 according to the organizers to march on Sunday December 3 in Brussels, to demand measures to fight climate change, at the time when COP28 was being held in the United Arab Emirates. “No to climate change, yes to system change”, “We want a habitable and healthy planet” could be read on signs and posters.

The crowd marched through the Belgian capital in intense cold and a good-natured atmosphere, to the rhythm of drums and various musical entertainment, at the call of the Climate Coalition which brings together 90 Belgian civil society organizations.

“Very concrete demands”

“This march does not take place on any date, it takes place at the opening of COP28. (…) International negotiations really need to move forward there,” declared Nicolas Van Nuffel, president of the Climate Coalition, adding: “We are in the streets with very concrete demands, so that we accelerate insulation housing, that we increase cycle paths, that we reinvest in public transport. »

COP28, which is being held from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai, is the 28th edition of the major international climate meeting organized each year under the aegis of the UN.