China has launched a rocket with a spaceship on Board to Mars. The carrier rocket from the new, powerful type of “Long March 5” lifted off on Thursday from the space station in Wenchang on the southern Chinese island of Hainan. The five-ton spacecraft consists of an Orbiter, a lander and a vehicle the size of a Golf cart.

Different than other space-faring Nations, China wants to try on his first independent Mission to Mars, to land on the Red planet. The spacecraft is expected to reach in February, the Mars landing, but only two, three months after the be done. The Name “Tianwen-1” can be translated with “questions to heaven” and an ancient Chinese poem, is borrowed.

to Succeed, the Mission would be China to the United States the second Nation to land on Mars, and a Rover operates. Russia was succeeded in 1971 a landing, but the communication broke down immediately after Touchdown. A landing on the Mars is considered to be particularly risky. So far, only half of the Attempts succeeded. China’s Mission is one of three flights to Mars this summer.