people Who have a little Routine in dealing with the end of history and the world we inhabit, goes these days through hell. How poisonous mushrooms of the world shoot decline of expectations now, from the ground and make it increasingly difficult to separate the nonsense clean from the sauce. Many of the fanatics like Elon Musk and the Horsemen of Silicon Valley or the conspiracy dussel the pandemic bogged down in such a turmoil of mischief delusion that the world is beyond the end of virtually every comprehensible Review.
Joachim Müller-Jung
editor in the features section, responsible for the area of “nature and science”.
F. A. Z. Twitter
The climate collapse, to name the most important counter-example, that is different. Significantly trickier of Stephen Hawking, the expected rampage of Artificial intelligences is, in turn, assess the people to be displaced gender by machines. But what if the emancipation of the robot is not absent yet, and what if the climate change leads to the opposite of the current expectations in the feared disasters? Then yet another, hitherto little – noticed dystopian revelation-the data-Apocalypse, or more precisely: the “information disaster remains the end-time prophet, at least.”
“mass-energy-information Equivalence principle”
Behind the Thesis that the English mathematician Melvin Vopson, relying on the German-American thermo-dynamicist, Rolf Landauer, and its “mass-energy-information Equivalence-principle” from the year 1961 is hidden. In short, it is a matter that any Information is physically convertible, as energy and mass in Albert Einstein’s famous equation E=m·c2. Vopson now included in the journal “AIP Advances”, which it is, if the digital human – with or without the (Artificial) intelligence – expending more and more energy and limitless units of information, i.e. Bits, in this world. The equivalent for mathematicians of a gigantic redistribution of terrestrial mass and energy into Information.
the resources to go in Information. Ninety percent of the amounts of data that are stored, are produced in only ten years – the last ten years. The curve grows exponentially. In 130 years, expected Vopson, will alone be needed for the preservation of digital Information as much energy as today the world is consumed. And in the year 2245, the half of the Earth’s mass will be in Bits and in information mass converted. In other words: The information-hungry eat first our minds and then the whole planet. Digital diet, otherwise there’s no Survival.