The beginning of August was marked by temperatures below average for the season. This week is marked by the return of summer weather, accompanied by high temperatures, according to La Chaîne Météo.

Monday, the weather will remain mixed and still a bit cool for the season, as an anticyclone pushes and gradually arrives in France. Dry, sunny weather with light winds will set in early in the week. The South will be the first to be affected by the arrival of the heat, from Tuesday, with temperatures around 30°C, while the northern part will return to seasonal normals.

It is in the middle of the week that the temperatures will become scorching, especially in the South-West and in the Center-East. A heat wave is expected from Wednesday to Sunday. Temperatures could reach 38°C locally in the South-West and around the Rhône valley. It will be particularly hot in New Aquitaine, where peaks close to 40°C are expected locally. Elsewhere, it will be between 30 and 35°C.

��️ Autumn will end on Tuesday with the evacuation of polar air outside our borders and the arrival of a tropical air mass from Africa. The south of France will experience a peak of very high heat on Wednesday and Thursday with maximum temperatures around 35 to 38°C.

As early as Thursday, temporary thunderstorms could break out in the Southwest. The scorching wave should end before August 15 to give way to thunderstorms again.