The almost collective knee of their colleagues at the American anthem filled Megan Rapinoe with Pride. From the distance, the world footballer celebrated the emotional characters against racism and police violence at the Start of the Challenge Cup in the professional League NWSL in Utah. “It’s nice to see these women raise their voices, and something more – for America, for Black people and People of Color,” tweeted Rapinoe to the much acclaimed first Restart of a team sports League in the United States, the state of “Black Lives Matter”movement.

The campaigner even dispensed with in the midst of the Corona pandemic, like other world Champions due to health concerns, to participate in the tournament without spectators. However, even without the prominent leader and Trump-opponent, which had once knelt as the first white Athlete, like former NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick with the national anthem and also with the Association of US Soccer put on, the developed force of the pictures from the Zion’s Bank Stadium is a tremendous.

“We went on one knee in order to protest against racial injustice, police brutality and systemic racism,” was a common statement by master North Carolina Courage and the Portland Thorns in front of the opening game on Saturday. Players and Staff wore black to “Black Lives Matter”Shirts-and – so is also the former national goalkeeper Nadine Angerer, since in 2016, goalkeeper trainer at the Thorns.

Especially the scenes were moving before the second match between the Chicago Red Stars and Washington Spirit. Overcome by their feelings, the national player Casey Short broke out during the national anthem in tears. In addition to her kneeling world champion Julie was okay. no I took your Black player in a comforting in-Arm, and wept with the defender. And yet, the deep conflicts in American society was visible. Because not all the players knelt during the anthem. Directly in addition to Short about Rachel Hill remained pointedly and put her team mate, only the Hand on the shoulder.

after the death of the African-American George Floyd by police brutality still not everyone understood the knee during the national anthem as an expression of Solidarity and not as a disrespect to the flag, proved to Alexi Lalas. The Ex-national player and a TV pundit provoked with the words: “Now it takes courage to stand for the national anthem.” He later deleted the Tweet. In the process, demonstrators, and sports stars in an extremely hot climate in the United States since the days of Black and “People of Color” are strong. So people learn as members of a minority, racism refer to themselves.