Gianni Infantino was in a good mood. Finally, the President of Fifa on Thursday night was as great patrons praise let. A moment ago he had announced a 1.5-billion-Dollar aid package for the world football in the Corona-crisis, to Australia and new Zealand, presented to host the women’s world Cup 2023 – nothing less than a “milestone,” he said. But suddenly, the most powerful soccer official in the world saw again in the corner.

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The vexing of justice scandal in his native Switzerland, came to the language, in the 50-Year-old significantly involved test. It is about three not-logged secret meeting between Infantino and the Swiss Federal Prosecutor Michael Lauber (54), which have taken place in 2016 and 2017, the charge of possible interference in the room. The Meetings will be arranged on request Infantinos – Lauber had led to this point in time, but several procedures in the area of world football.

“For me, this whole thing is absurd,” said Infantino on Thursday, as he was raised at the press conference after the virtual Council meeting of the world Association on the Causa Lauber: “to meet with the Federal Prosecutor of Switzerland, is completely legitimate and legal.”

all-Too-correct, but not against Lauber, meanwhile, impeachment proceedings have been opened “on the basis of reasonable suspicion of a serious intentional or grossly negligent breach of official duty”, such as the judicial Commission of the Swiss Parliament announced in may. As the chief Prosecutor Lauber had initially directed the process in the summer of fairy-tale-scandal of the world Cup award to Germany in 2006, which was set at the end of April due to Statute of limitations, the Fifa will investigate, according to Infantino, but “of course,” more.

“It is legitimate, his participation in offering these things to educate,” said Infantino to his defense, and anyway: “It can’t be secret if it meets a state’s attorney in a civilized country.” The content of the meeting in June 2017 but want to have all the parties Involved to forget. Several times Infantino was speaking at the press conference of the “old Fifa” – were rooted under his predecessor Sepp Blatter so, in the corruption and hanky-panky deep. In the “new Fifa”, which he directs since 2016, Infantino, this is, of course, everything is different.