is Just under three weeks before the start of the season for almost nine percent of all NBA professionals would be banned because of a positive Corona-testing of a Training. As the best Basketball League in the world announced on Wednesday, was the result of the test in 48 of the 546 studied, professionals positive. The news of this high proportion of overshadowed the first info about the new game plan of the League, the 22. December should begin with the city’s duel between the Los Angeles Clippers against the defending champion Los Angeles Lakers as the highlight of the Day.

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Indeed, made the surprising change of star player Russell Westbrook of the Houston Rockets and the Washington Wizards to the German national team player Isaac Bonga and Moritz Wagner, and the extension of the contract of LeBron James in the Lakers sporting headlines. However, the pandemic is overshadowing the start of the season: The to 72 games per Team shortened season with unusual appointments, in most cases, well-to-empty stands and corona due to the large uncertainty is far from a normal season and the usual anticipation.

the name of the in the period from 24. up to 30. November tested positive professionals were not initially known. According to ESPN, the rate of positive tested players is now about 8.8 percent, significantly higher than in the summer prior to the season continued in the shielded bubble in Orlando, as the Start-up 5.3 percent of the tested player a positive Corona Test back got. In contrast to the end of the last season, the NBA on a bubble-like foreclosure in the team.

According to the Corona-rules of the NBA are allowed to train players, not earlier than ten days after a positive Corona Test, or ten days after the last symptoms. According to information from ESPN two days in a single training session and a heart muscle study added to the permitted return to the team training. After a positive Test, a player falls at least twelve days.