Hardly any manager shapes the image of a club more than Max Eberl. After a moving press conference, he leaves Borussia Mönchengladbach in January 2022 – and disappears. Now he could reappear at RB Leipzig. The internet is furious. BMG captain Lars Stindl makes an announcement.

Borussia Mönchengladbach’s captain Lars Stindl is happy that manager Max Eberl is about to return to the Bundesliga. “First and foremost, I’m incredibly happy that Max Eberl is again an issue for football. That means he’s doing well, that he’s got through a phase of his life that wasn’t very easy,” said Stindl in the podcast “Kicker meets DAZN”. RB Leipzig would like to sign Eberl as sports director.

The 48-year-old resigned as sports director in Mönchengladbach at the end of January, citing health reasons. However, his contract, which runs until 2026, has not been terminated, but is only on hold. Accordingly, Borussia would be entitled to a transfer fee should Leipzig bring Eberl.

Stindl cannot understand that it has already been said on social networks that Eberl could not have gone so badly if he now wants to return. “This is complete nonsense. These are just people who have no idea about the human being,” he said. “That’s the problem nowadays when it comes to social networks: that everyone can express their opinion without personal contact, without know-how, without knowledge.”

Some fans are also bothered by the fact that Eberl is associated with the Red Bull club, which is unpopular with many supporters. You have to accept that and he could “understand it a bit,” said Stindl. “But basically criticizing the other and letting it flow in is the bottom drawer. That just doesn’t work.”

Max Eberl has not yet publicly commented on the Leipzig rumors. Cup winners Leipzig dealt with it more openly. “Yes, we are interested in Max Eberl and yes, we have had initial talks. What is reported completely wrong, however, is that there is already an agreement and a starting date. Of course, we informed Gladbach of our interest, nothing more and nothing Less has happened so far,” Leipzig boss Oliver Mintzlaff told the “Bild” at the end of August.

According to current media reports, Gladbach is said to have moved away from the original demand of ten million euros, but was not convinced by an initial offer from Leipzig of over 500,000 euros.