Health care workers, first responders and the elderly are in line to find the first doses of this coronavirus vaccine , however, Charles Barkley offered another idea Thursday.

“I think that they should let NBA coaches and players all get the vaccine. That is only my personal opinion. We want 300 million shots.

His co-hosts Ernie Johnson and Kenny Smith did not believe that was a fantastic idea. He did not find any folks on his side of this debate on social networking, either.

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver advised NBA teams the league”wouldn’t jump the line” to acquire the vaccines first, ESPN reported.

The U.S. vaccine rollout has been praised by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease specialist, as being”too stiff” before this week — the exact same day the Trump government moved to enlarge distribution attempts.

Fauci, who noticed country faced”nearly an unprecedented challenge” in rolling out that the vaccine, stated that although it was suitable to have shots to priority classes like healthcare workers and individuals that are in nursing homes, the nation had been”overly inflexible in categorizing and classifying individuals,” which averted”obtaining the vaccine doses outside in the most effective issue.”

He explained that although the U.S. isn’t”abandoning the prioritization” strategy, it is going to proceed so that if individuals are prepared to get vaccinated they could, which will cut back on supplies sitting in freezers when”they may be getting into people’s arms”