The American President Donald Trump has been extremely surprising for an NFL Comeback of Quarterback Colin Kaepernick. “If he deserves it, he should, if he has the playing ability,” said Trump in a Wednesday (local time) published an Interview-neckline with a journalist from the Sinclair media group. Kaepernick should be able to play well. “If he can’t play well, then I think it would be unfair,” said Trump.

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Kapernick was 2016, the first NFL professional who knelt at the national anthem, to demonstrate against police violence against Black people and racism. The now 32-year-old football player is since 2017 without a contract. The topic of police violence and racism since the death of the African-American George Floyd at the end of may is very present and has led to numerous demonstrations, with hundreds of thousands of participants.

Recently told NFL Boss Roger Goodell, he would encourage a team to take Kaepernick under contract, and support. “If he wants to continue his career in the NFL continue, it needs a Team that makes this decision. But I welcome the support of a club that makes this decision, and encourage him to do it,“ said Goodell to the TV channel ESPN. The coach of the Los Angeles Chargers, Anthony Lynn, expressed on Wednesday his General interest in Kaepernicks abilities. Contact he had with the athletes but.

Goodell had said 2016 at the beginning of Kaepernicks Protest that he whose Actions do not support. Goodell stressed that he would not be welcomed Kaepernick only as a player “at the table”. Kaepernick could also help the NFL to meet better decisions for changes in the society. “I hope that we are now at a point is engaged at each for a long-term, sustainable change,” said Goodell.

Trump had completed in 2016 the public to Kaepernick and the form of protest and it is not criticized to respect the flag of the United States. “Would you not love to see a NFL team owner would say, ‘Take the son of a bitch from the field. Take it away! He is not fired,’ if someone respects the flag?“, said Trump at the time at a campaign event on Kaepernick.