the return of The Bundesliga football start to play with viewers for the season on may 18. September is not a self-runner. Almost a week after the German football League (DFL) supplied with your concept of a template for policy and health authorities, had made it clear to the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU), as well as the Chairman of the conference of Ministers of Health, Dilek Kalacy (SPD), on Monday, that a quick decision in this matter is not to be expected.

Michael Horeni

a correspondent for sports in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

He will try, in coordination with the Federal government, a Prime Minister of a conference on the topic of the Bundesliga in the last week of August to hold said Söder after an unscheduled video conference of his Cabinet. Kalacy not made before the conference, the Minister of health clearly shows that the professional stand football high on the priority list “at the top”. You do not have to take a decision for the DFL-concept.

From League circles was not to listen been last week that they expect a quick political decision-making due to the increase in case numbers, which in this Situation is completely understandable. In addition, Söders is influence in the body of the Prime Minister, as relevant, against his will, to soccer games with viewers would be hardly enforceable. Saxony’s Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmar (CDU) indicated, however, consent to the DFL-concept and the rapid return of Fans. “I am of the opinion that you have to give them a Chance to test this thing,” said Kretschmer in the “ARD Mittagsmagazin”.

It was important to go now at this point, a step forward. Mass testing of Fans prior to the visit to the stadium, which had been brought by DFB President Fritz Keller and Union Berlin in the discussion, rejects Kretschmer mind. It was from his point of view is not practical. Could not test so many people before. “The principle must be: as in the workplace, such as when shopping for a sports event must be organized in a way that you can’t plug in.” The DFL is not followed in your concept of such plans.

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not expressed To concrete scenarios for the League start, the Bavarian Prime Minister, on Monday,. He brought his skepticism to Play in “full stadiums” to the expression, which had been requested by the DFL, however, never. “I used very for the Start of the mind games. The runs are also excellent. But in the case of full stadiums for the Bundesliga start, I am extremely skeptical. I can’t imagine it currently,“ said Söder. “It is also not wise if we have the start of School, if we end up at the beginning of autumn have to consider that we have, then, in addition to 20,000, to 25,000 people in the stadiums.” The concept could in theory have good ideas, but the plans was difficult to implement, as Söder.

The DFL has set in its approach, rather, to 31. To waive, in October, on standing, to the distances in the stadium better. Under the sale of alcohol prohibited in order to avoid additional risks. Also away fans are likely to 31. December no games to visit, to travel, activities to prevent. With personalized Tickets possible infection should stay chains in a comprehensible manner. “But it could have a devastating impact on the Public. Both in terms of capacities in the Medical, as well as to cultural events,“ said Söder. “I can imagine, perhaps, in the course of the season, but not to the Bundesliga start full stadiums.”