In three weeks can apply for clubs from Basketball and Handball, Volleyball and ice hockey – League support from the 200-million – Euro equipped utility program of the Federal government. The vertices, published by the Federal Ministry of the interior for the “Corona-aid to professional sport”.

Michael Reinsch

a correspondent for sports in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Thus, the Federal of 1 want. September on the failure of revenue through ticket sales because of the Corona-crisis, with up to 800,000 euros to offset the loss. for the period from 1 April either to 31. August or, in a second round, to 31. December will be demonstrated in comparison to revenue in the same period of 2019. So bankruptcies and job losses are prevented. The Parliament approved the aid, in order to obtain the diversity of the sport.

entitled to temporary assistance, according to the vertices “sports clubs and companies in the professional and semi-professional competition in the field of the Olympic and Paralympic Individual and team sports in the 1. and 2. League of men and women, as well as in the 3. Football League in Germany“.

the football League, the women should be supported. Not the 36 clubs of the First and Second Bundesliga are promoted. Also, the third party leagues in the ball sports, as well as, since it is not Olympic, American Football will fall through the cracks. Also, the organizers of the Marathon and the city – runs, which are currently not fit into the funding scheme. Clubs in the Hockey – as well as the Turn-, table tennis – and Protect-Federal sponsored leagues.

a condition for state assistance is the waiver of dismissals for operational reasons in the funding period. Not clubs and companies in bankruptcy. This is likely the football third division club 1. FC Kaiserslautern concern, went in June to the reorganization in the insolvency plan.