On a Sunday in December, Mia Krampl from Slovenia stood in front of a climbing wall in Toulouse, and wept. You would be happy like that, she knew in that Moment that she was qualified for the Olympic games in Tokyo, but it was not easy. She wept, as she told it later, the “New York Times”, because a few meters more Lucka Rakovec waited, her friend, who also wanted to be in the Olympics now, but not allowed to, because of you. She cried, ran to Rakovec her, hugged her and told her that she will stop now and a podium finish had to go.

this Friday the Olympic games in Tokyo would have been opened. And if you want to know what we have lost in this year, you have to know the case of Mia Krampl and Lucka Rakovec, 20, and 19-year-old, both from Slovenia. You will climb, since they are small, made friends in her first international Competition, the was 2015. A year later, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided that sport climbing in Tokyo for the first time in the program of the summer games. To dream Krampl and Rakovec began to train even harder. They drove each other, although did you know that it can only create a.

A wonderful invention

In the Slovenian team, only one seat was behind Janja Garnbret, the world champion. In Toulouse, where the Tickets were for Tokyo distributed, they came to the final. In the end, the decision fell to a single handle. Krampl was able to hold on to, Rakovec not. And so one must experience what to be able to experience the other maybe never will. No one knows whether Climbing remains in the Olympic program. Now Mia Krampl is preparing for her dream – with the help of Lucka Rakovec, which says: “If it is a real girlfriend, you have to be happy with her. Friendship is always more important than Competition and medals.“

It may sound naive, but the story of Mia Krampl and Lucka Rakovec is the, what is the meaning of the Olympic idea. Two young women together in Sport, share a life dream, travel the planet, make friends and hold each other, although their paths must sooner or later bring apart. In such moments it is clear what is a wonderful invention, Olympia: the youth of The world together for peaceful Competition. Wow!

the feature would be, however, naïve to restrict the Olympic games to this idea. Inventors and guardians, the IOC, stands for greed, megalomania and corruption. If the idea of the games would not be so wonderful, its influence on the youth is not so large, you would have to turn away for a long time. As the Corona spread, were infested with the Olympic games long ago by a Virus. Now there is a second, came from the outside. Olympic-falls – and no one knows for how long.

But maybe that is revealed in these days in which the athlete is unable to meet athletes from all over the world in Tokyo, but in the home office of your plans for life to adapt, why it’s worth it despite the skepticism and despite the resistances, to fight for the Olympic games: they lack, and painfully.