Gesa Felicitas Krause was afterwards completely bedröppelt in the shadow of the Arena. The tears were quickly dried, but the sweat ran the obstacle-Star on the face, and Krause looked sad for an explanation of your force-free appearance. “I’m only human,” she said.

all the people Krause. Miss Reliable. The delivering, in fact, always the fighter, is actually always reliable. The world Cup third, the European champion – had to in this strange spirit Championships, the athletes give up without Fans your race to around 2000 of 3000 meters, completely exhausted. “It’s hard for me to grasp what is happening, in words,” said the 28-Year-old and spoke of a “great disappointment”. She had to confess, “honestly, it went a little right from the start. We were not fast on the road,” said Krause after the race in the furnace: “But the Tempo fell to me to be relatively difficult.”

What was wrong with Krause? The German record holder, had fought in the run-up to solid and effective in the media is that the medium – and long-in spite of Corona in the championship program, after the postponement of the Olympic games next year the title should be a Highlight fight for you in this season will stretch. And, as always, Krause prepared conscientiously, to Braunschweig, you went directly from a high-altitude training camp in Switzerland. But maybe that was exactly the Problem.

“The day before we left, we had five, six degrees and rain. It was really, really cold,“ said Krause. In the case of your race, this should actually be a first Highlight, was then about 35 degrees in the shade. “A change of climate, hot temperatures, heavy legs from Training. It all came together today,” said Krause, who wanted to get their sixth title in the series: “That was definitely not my day and the Form that I expected from me and of me.” And so Elena Burkard named for the German champion with a 9:50,31 minutes – a time that Krause is otherwise loose in the Training year after year.

It Frizzy would have been the sixth title in the series for Gesa Krause. But the way was open for Burkard of the LG Northern black forest, celebrated a first victory: “Incredible! I had a hard last year, now I’m all the more delighted that it has gone right today.“ Krause was already gone into the catacombs of the empty Eintracht-stadium. Her coach Wolfgang Heinig rushed off afterwards, he thought, first of all, a violation. Because his protege had on the international stage so often bitten that he could make sense of the Disaster.

At the Olympic games in 2016, Gesa Krause had to recognize the international supremacy, fought with the German record a sixth-place finish, and wept bitter tears. At the world Championships in 2017 in London for the club’s new year’s eve run in Trier start crashed out through no fault of the end of Frankfurt, afterwards rushed to the field valiantly, and came as the Ninth to the finish. For their stance, it later received the honorary award of “role models in Sport” and “athlete with heart”. In a very tough race for the 2019 world Championships in Doha, ran Gesa Krause as early as 2015 to Bronze in the German record time of 9:03,30 minutes. And now is not even a German champion.