It was last Tuesday afternoon in Los Angeles when Nia Dennis made in your Instagram Story, one of those special moments of your life in public. “Oh my God!”, heard during the brief Videos to, votes mess bubbling, the camera wobbles back and forth. Just Michelle Obama has posted on Twitter a Tweet: “That’s what I call fierce! You’re a Star! @DennisNia!“, the wife of the 44 writes. The President of the United States. Nia Dennis can understand your happiness in this Moment, hardly.

Michael Wittershagen

Responsible for the Sport in the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

It is a lot mixed up in the life of the 21-year-old gymnast, who had been appointed in 2015 to the extended world Cup squad in the United States, but never so much in the spotlight in the past few days. The stands in the hall in Los Angeles were covered last weekend with the blue Plan, viewers were not approved due to the many Corona-infections in Los Angeles when Nia Dennis was not a ground-choreography, which fascinates since the turn of the world. “Black Excellence”, it has overwritten these exceptional close to two minutes. Meanwhile, more than ten million people have viewed the Video on Twitter.

The high school competition at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) against the Arizona State Sun Devils should not be the appearance for you not only a Sport, it should be a Statement, a Cry for help. The Soundtrack is a Medley of various Songs from Kendrick Lamar, Beyoncé, Missy Elliott, Tupac Shakur, or Megan Thee Stallion delivered. Nia Dennis showed only a few months after her shoulder surgery – a powerful double back-flip, she showed screws and twists, a little dance, a little hip hop, a lot of Freestyle.

she also paid tribute to the disgraced football player Colin Kaepernick, as she knelt down. And it was reminiscent of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, when you showed the raised fist “Black Power salute”. It was a performance that celebrated black culture. And in a country where it is still often a struggle needs to represent this black be open to the public.

Nia Dennis has let this battle look easy, it works, as you have. just, exactly, in these two minutes, the best time of your life With fabulous 9,95 points, this performance was rewarded. “This performance reflects definitely everything I am today as a woman. And of course I had to include a lot of parts of my culture with. I wanted to have a dance party, because that’s my personality,” she said afterwards, “the Los Angeles Daily News”.

for decades, dominated the women’s gymnastics of White. The music was mostly classical, and it has long been regarded as an open secret that the international judges preferred, especially athletes from Russia. Only Simone Biles, the outstanding gymnast of the past decade, introduced ostensibly this world on its head, at least. Behind the Scenes, the old role of rage often still images. Only in the past year, Tia Kiaku, a former gymnast from Alabama made, publicly, how often have you had to endure bullying or racist jokes of their former white colleagues or Trainer.