A foundation in the USA fulfills special wishes for seriously ill children and young people. And John Cena is the most eager of Make-A-Wish’s celebrity contributors. The wrestling superstar officially became a world record holder through his commitment.

John Cena is one of the biggest stars in wrestling, the multi-billion dollar spectacle between sport and entertainment that captivates millions of people, especially in the United States. There Cena, who has long been successful as an actor, is World Champion and has defended his title twelve times. Now, the 45-year-old has secured another, much more significant title: According to a recent press release from Guinness World Records, Cena has set a new record for the most granted wishes from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the seriously ill or dying children have their wishes fulfilled.

Cena set the record by granting a wish to 650 children between the ages of two and 18. Their families had contacted Make-A-Wish, according to Guinness officials, who checked the number on July 19. The Guinness World Records website calls this achievement “heroic” – no one else has granted more than 200 wishes.

Cena is the celebrity kids most often want to meet, the foundation, founded in 1982, said. “If they ever need me for that, I don’t care what I’m doing – I’m going to drop everything and get involved because I think that’s the coolest thing,” Cena said in a Reuters interview. “If I can offer someone a fantastic experience, I’m the first in line to do my part.”

Kids who participate in Make-a-Wish can choose to meet a celebrity, attend an event, or even give someone a gift.

Cena began his association with the Foundation in 2002. Coincidentally, ten years later, Cena granted the Foundation’s 1,000th wish to one of his fans named Cardon. On his visits for the foundation, Cena often brings with him one of the championship belts he has held throughout his 20-year career with World Wrestling Entertainment. The 45-year-old has also spearheaded WWE’s anti-bullying initiative, which the promotion dubs the “Be a Star” campaign.