Despite the ever-present fear of the aggressive Herpes Virus has started this Thursday, the top-class show jumping tournament in Doha. To program the first stage of the million-series-Global Champions Tour on Saturday. At the Start of the German Top-rider Christian Ahlmann, Marcus Ehning and Philipp Weishaupt horses with your Top.

Evi Simeoni

sports editor.

F. A. Z.

The International Equestrian Federation (FEI) has agreed with the organisers to start the event, though at least one of the two horses of the German show jumping rider Sven key castle, located in Doha, in Isolation, the Virus is ill. The other show ambiguous results and will continue to be tested, shared with the FEI. The Tests of all the other participants of the tournament horses were negative. In addition, the tournament will be held under more stringent hygiene measures.

After the Virus had broken out in a tournament series in Valencia, had the FEI about ten European countries in a tournament Lockdown to 28. March imposed. The German rider body of Association in order to put this measure is also national. In a press release, the FEI clarified the previous operations in Qatar. Accordingly, the disease broke out in Schlüsselburgs horse is only 17 days after the departure of Valencia, before it had been tested negative. Four horses, which had previously been in Valencia at the Start, had been transported to Doha, before the outbreak was known. In addition to Schlüsselburgs horses, the Valencia on 12. February, two horses, a Colombian rider, the 7 had to leave. February had left from Spain.

so Far, six dead horses

On the instructions of the FEI were in Doha, all four of the isolated immediately. The test results of 22. February had been in all four of the horses in the negative. On Monday, a week later, the picture changed. So far, animal doctors were assumed to have a shorter incubation time.