for Five years, Sebastian Coe had to wait. 17. July, he is now to be recorded, but in virtue of his office as President of the world athletics Federation (WA) in the International Olympic Committee (IOC). This IOC President Thomas Bach announced on Wednesday after a virtual meeting of the Executive in an Online press conference. The Session in July, which is also held only virtual, must confirm Coes recording in accordance with the proposal by the Executive, yet, but what is to be expected.

Evi Simeoni

sports editor.

F. A. Z.

Until 1. July must submit the Coe to the ethics Commission of the IOC or documents that prove that his role in the consulting company CSM Sport and Entertainment has changed. Previously, he served as Director of the company. In the meantime, the Coe have a “passive role,” said Bach. So far, the ethics had seen Commission on the basis of this activity a conflict of interest, the CoE’s recording is prevented to the IOC. Since the departure of his predecessor, Lamine Diack in 2015, the world is not represented by the Association of athletes, one of the core sports on the Olympic programme, the IOC.

the IOC is examining ways

Also on the subject of political demonstrations by athletes, Bach said, after he had read out a statement by the Executive against racism. The IOC athletes Commission will review on its own Initiative, “the different ways in which athletes can Express themselves, including the period of the Olympic games”. The “Olympic spirit would have to remain” respected.