
Kazma, a Kuwaiti Premier League club, recently celebrated a 7-1 victory over Telephonat Beni Suef, an Egyptian team, in a friendly match. However, their joy turned to disappointment when they discovered that the team they played against was actually a group of amateur players with no affiliation to Telephonat Beni Suef.

The game took place at Kazma’s training camp in Alexandria, Egypt, where the organisers mistakenly believed they had arranged a match with the official Egyptian side. Egyptian media reported the mix-up, with Telephonat Beni Suef denying any involvement in the match. This revelation led to a social media backlash and a demand for an apology from Kazma.

The company responsible for organising the camp, StarMaker Football, issued a statement expressing regret for the confusion. They admitted that they had been misled by a representative claiming to be from Telephonat Beni Suef, who had no actual connection to the club. This oversight led to the amateur team being mistaken for the professional side.

In response to the incident, the Kuwaiti club called for accountability from the organisers and demanded an apology. The Egyptian Football Association also promised to collaborate with their Kuwaiti counterparts to investigate the matter further. Additionally, they announced that no more friendly matches with foreign teams would be permitted without their explicit permission in the future.

This mix-up serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of verifying the identities of participating teams in friendly matches. It highlights the need for clear communication and due diligence when arranging sporting events, especially across international borders. The incident has sparked discussions about improving oversight and regulation in friendly matches to prevent such misunderstandings from occurring in the future.