The editorial director of L’Equipe, Jérôme Cazadieu, will leave his post and the newspaper at the start of the school year to join LFP Media, the commercial subsidiary of the Professional Football League, the latter and the sports media group announced on Friday June 23. .

After eight years at the head of the editorial staff of the sports daily, Mr. Cazadieu will officiate as senior marketing director and editorial director, specifies the press release of this subsidiary, created in 2022 to combine “sports competition and entertainment”. He will leave his journalistic duties on September 3, explained the group L’Equipe.

It is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper’s football department since 2016, Lionel Dangoumau, 44, who will succeed him “as director of the group’s print [paper] and digital editorial staff”, specified L’Equipe in a internal communication.

“Digital Transformation” and historic strike in 2021

Quoted in the press release, the group’s general manager, Laurent Prud’homme, “warmly” thanked Jérôme Cazadieu for “his participation in the digital transformation of L’Equipe with the creation of the L’Equipe Explore platform and the implementation unique copywriting [print and web], in particular”.

Under his leadership, “the paper titles have been modernized”, recalls the general manager, citing “the transition to tabloid format of the daily newspaper” (2015) or the transformation into a monthly of the weekly France football.

This latest project was part of a broader social plan which led to a historic strike and the non-publication of the newspaper for two weeks in January 2021.

Jérôme Cazadieu “also participated in the internationalization of the Ballon d’Or, with a new brand identity and the creation of new trophies, in particular the Ballon d’Or women”, adds Mr. Prud’homme.

Lionel Dangoumau, who has “realized his entire career at L’Equipe” since 2002, will be able to “count on [a] editorial staff of nearly 300 journalists to accelerate the growth [of] media”, assures the leader .

In 2022, the daily newspaper L’Equipe sold more than 215,000 copies on average every day, a figure up 0.6% compared to 2021, according to the Alliance for Press and Media Figures (ACPM).