Lens won a major victory in the race for Europe at home against Lorient (2-0), Friday May 3, during the 32nd day of Ligue 1. This success allows the Sang et Or to consolidate their sixth place ( 49 points), synonymous for the moment with play-offs for accession to the Europa Conference League. They are five points ahead of Marseille (seventh) and Lyon (eighth), who have one more match to play.

For its part, Montpellier won in Toulouse (2-1), which allows it to ensure its maintenance in Ligue 1. The meeting was marked by an impressive goal from Montpellier Téji Savanier. The young Khalil Fayad scored the decisive goal at the end of the match.

With this sixth consecutive defeat, Lorient remains, on the contrary, well anchored in penultimate place in the championship with only 26 points. The Bretons could even be in last place if Clermont (25 points) achieves an exploit in Monaco on Saturday.