Lyon continued its rise in the standings by winning a fourth victory in a row in Ligue 1 on Friday February 23, in Metz, 2 to 1, in a match that it dominated overall.

Reinvigorated since the arrival at their head of Pierre Sage, the Lyonnais are now in tenth place with twenty-eight points, having been bottom for a moment at the start of the season.

Messins, in bad shape in penultimate place, opened the scoring with Mikautadze at the start of the match, but OL reversed the situation with a nice goal from Lacazette just before the break (45th 1) then a goal from Benrahma at the hour of play (60ᵉ). Almost non-existent after the break although they had managed to create chances in the first half, they suffered a ninth defeat in ten matches (for a draw in Marseille).

If the Lyonnais had the ball at their feet from the start, the Messins were able to take advantage of a certain excitement in defense. After a ball recovered thanks to pressing, Milkautadze went off on his own to lob Lopes gently (12th): the striker’s first achievement since his return to Moselle.

A match well underway for Metz

The Rhone residents were very close to drinking the broth three minutes later but Lopes pushed Lamine Camara’s shot horizontally (15th). The Lyon rearguard, lacking serenity, offered a few boulevards, without the Mosellans being able to take advantage of them.

Solid in defense, the Lorraines first annihilated Lyon’s first attempts. Oukidja was very present on two strikes from Caqueret (24th) then from Nuamah (26th). Mangala, all alone at the penalty spot, did not get his header on target (34th).

On the other side of the field, Sabaly was too short on a cross from Lamine Camara (37th), like Udol on a cross from Colin (38th). Lamine Camara recovered another ball at Lyon’s feet but Lamkel-Zé did not wrap his shot up enough (42nd).

The Lyonnais had the merit of believing in it until the end and equalized in added time, in the first half. The Metz defense was slow to emerge. Mata tried his luck and Lacazette on the trajectory took the ball back to put his team back in the match (45th 1).

Benrahma, who had replaced Orban at the break, logically took the lead at the hour mark. Oukidja repelled Caqueret’s shot but the replacement victoriously regained the ball (60th). If the goal woke up the Messins, they did not manage to come back from the score, suffering another defeat.