Major League Baseball (MLB) player Addison Russell’s wife has filed for divorce, ESPN reports. The split comes amidst the MLB’s ongoing investigation into allegations of domestic violence against the Chicago Cubs shortstop.

According to the report from ESPN, the firm representing his wife, Melissa Russell, announced the divorce proceedings. The firm said she will not meet with the MLB to discuss the domestic violence claims.

Melissa’s lawyers said she wishes to pursue a quick and amicable resolution that is in the best interests of her children.

The domestic violence allegations arose after Melissa said on Instagram that the couple was splitting after a year of marriage. The post has since been deleted. A supposed close friend of Melissa commented on the post, calling Addison “mentally and physically abusive.”

Melissa has said that while she stands by her post, she cannot legitimize another person’s post.

Addison denied the allegations in a statement.

“Any allegation I have abused my wife is false and hurtful. For the well-being of my family, I’ll have no further comment,” his statement read.

The Chicago Cubs issued its own statement affirming that it would cooperate with the Commissioner’s Office’s investigation into the claims.

The statement, made on June 8, revealed that Addison would not be uniform that evening as he worked through the issue.

Addison was absent from the field on June 8, but he said he watched the game from home.

“I didn’t show up yesterday. I was watching the game on TV. Felt sad, man. This is what I do. This is what I love. I love being here in this clubhouse with the boys, having fun. This is my home,” Addison said.

A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department told the Associated Press that there is currently no police investigation into the domestic violence claims.

The divorce petition, according to a Chicago Tribune report, says Addison has “expressed little interest in the care of the child” during the marriage. The petition also states that the couple is living separately.

Speaking on her behalf, Melissa’s lawyer said in a statement:

“She is very grateful for everything Chicago has provided for her, and in particular the Chicago Cubs organization, and she does feel a part of that family, and they have been supportive of her just as she has supported Addison in his transition to the major leagues. She absolutely feels in part responsible for helping him get to where he is today.”

Melissa has reportedly declined to accept an invitation from the MLB to speak with them. Talking to the league about the allegations is not in the best interests of her family, she says.

While Addison has been reluctant to speak publicly about recent events, he says he is “definitely not ignoring” the MLB investigation or the divorce.

“I have a lot of fans out there making me feel better about the whole process. But when it comes down to it, I love playing baseball. I absolutely love this game,” Addison said.

Addison returned to the game on June 20 after missing two other games due to an ankle injury.