It is shortly after 12 o’clock, as Tanguy Nef in an Asian Restaurant in Verbier for the first time, against fatigue, fighting. “I’ve been in the last time very little sleep” admits the native of Geneva, while he pokes his plate with Chinese noodles around.

The gifted son of a Doctor and a Professor looks back on troubled months. Really uncomfortable it was for the Slalom specialist of all things in the stage, as he wanted to have a rest in March, in the Canton of Valais from the rigors of the world Cup season. “A few days after I’ve enjoyed with my fan club in Verbier is a wonderful Ski day, I felt pain suddenly slight headaches and increased muscle I was then tested exactly as my in Verbier resident of older brother’s positive for the Corona Virus.”

“Felt like a more severe flu”

in the end have become infected in the six-member family of Nef with the exception of the mother, all with the Coronavirus. Tanguy operates the causes: “After Corona began to rage at the end of February in the North of Italy, there came many families from Milan in their holiday homes to Verbier, which have worn without knowing it, the Virus. Therefore, this Ski resort has become a Corona-Hotspot.”

Physically, the 23-Year-old suggested last Winter in the classics in Madonna di Campiglio and Wengen with the ranks 6 and 8, its enormous potential has recovered relatively quickly. “I felt after the Corona-diagnosis as in the case of a more severe flu, then I felt pretty good.”

Nef is studying and works by the way

Corona makes it difficult to today Nefs everyday life as a Student. He graduated at the elite Dartmouth College in the US state of New Hampshire, a computer science and Economics. Because of the Corona pandemic, he is now not as originally planned in the lecture room in the United States, but in a rental apartment in Verbier, where he logs in by means of the Internet in the classroom. And the leads due to the time shift of six hours to Tanguy’s lack of sleep. “Because we need to complete this week, extremely many trials, I currently rarely before 1 o’clock to bed. And in the Morning I have to get up early for my fitness training.”

Nef, whose roots lie in Urnäsch AR, but not – on the contrary wants to complain. “I am convinced that I can make the school stress as an athlete stronger,” believes Tanguy. “I’ve recently seen on Netflix’s part of the Michael Jordan documentary, “The Last Dance”. It made me realise that Jordan and teammate Scottie Pippen were so outstanding basketball player, because they had to fight of America’s under-layer to the very top. Most of the Swiss athletes have it much more convenient. And perhaps that is exactly the reason why we have except Roger Federer is no absolute world-class athletes.”

Therefore, Nef builds on his path in life, like to additional harassment. And thus he is no longer dependent on the wallet of his father, Tanguy worked in the last few years, particularly hard. “A year of school at Dartmouth College costs 80’000 Swiss francs. The largest part of the school money has left my dad advanced. Meanwhile, I have paid him this money back. The revenue from ski racing does not have enough. But I’m now debt-free because I have accepted in addition to the studies on the School Campus in various Jobs.” He is in every way exceptional athletes, this Tanguy Nef.