The new Generation has arrived. Lisa Marie Kwayie from Berlin and Deniz Alma of the Swabian Alb, both 23 years old, have become behind closed doors in the Eintracht stadium in Braunschweig German champion over a hundred meters. At the weekend, to go to the Tokyo Olympic games in the end should have proved the two that was the year with virtually no track and field season is not lost, but new opportunities offered.

Michael Reinsch

a correspondent for sports in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Lisa Marie Kwayie had to wait in the target display, to realize that she was just turned in from 11.30 seconds to master, so focused she had gone into the race – your new eingeübter Start was not allowed to fail. As her Name went up in lights, rails, and the warm, friendly competitor, Rebekka Haase (11,34) fall in the poor to want, but cracks and touching – “Wuhan Shake” – laughing with the feet.

“My first German title,” said the student from Berlin-Neukölln joyfully. Like Alma, she took her victory at the German indoor Championships in Leipzig, half a year ago, about sixty meters, apparently less as a success than as an obligation. “Of course it would be nicer with an audience, the mitjubelt,” she said now, since then, dramatically changed conditions that have led to a championship in a state of emergency. “On the other hand: This is a crisis. I’m glad that we can at all riding competitions best.“ Not only to hug and spectators the best Germans had to renounce the athletes, but also to the award ceremony. Your medals Lisa Marie Kwayie and Deniz Alma’s picked up, after the Doping of the sample, as all the masters in the competition office.

“I had made me determined to win,” said Almaz. He also had the feeling that his title from the Winter to justify. “After the hall, many thought: the Rear of the not anyway; it is only 1.75 meters tall. Sixty meters he can run, but not a hundred.“ Only a hundredth of a second more than his Sprint from Weinheim, a week ago he needed to 10.09 seconds, in order to prove his newfound Superiority over the 21-year-old Talent Joshua Hartmann (10,23) and the 32-year-old ex-champion Julian Reus (10,26). No runner is to the German record, since Reus improved him four years ago on 10,01 seconds, come as close as Alma’s within eight days.

The two Champions in the shortest and most spectacular competition of each championship have used Lockdown and displacement of the Olympic games. While many of the Older treat yourself to a break to persistent lesions cure or to get the mind free, and out of the Occurs, such as hurdles Sprinter Pamela Dutkiewicz, who joined in the semi-finals in a hurdle and was eliminated. Or on the basis of training champion Gesa Krause, traveled from the high altitude training in Davos in the heat of the city reverting, such as Europe, from 3000 meters obstacle only in 2000, by state. You had to empty legs, as she complained, and at a loss to give up. Anyone who wanted to listen to irregular conditions by the different rules in force in Federal Germany, the triple jump champion Maria Purtsa from Chemnitz (13,65 meters) gave a cue. Corona-Lockdown meant for you: seven weeks of Training on trails.

“many of the Olympic games prevailed after the cancellation of the European championship and the shift, as it was unclear whether there will be competitions, lack of orientation,” stated Idris Gonschinska the Director-General of the German athletics Federation. “Some have lost their focus, and some have found their focus as Lisa Marie and Deniz. They were optimistsch and carefree and have used your Chance.“