The the coming year, suspended Olympic games in Tokyo will not take place with great splendor, but in a simplified Form. The organization chief of the national preparatory Committee, Toshiro Muto said on Wednesday in front of journalists in Tokyo. The Japanese side had previously discussed in an Online conference with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) the state of preparation, and a rough schedule for the 13 months until the planned start of the Olympic games in July 2021 agreed.

Evi Simeoni

sports editor.

F. A. Z.

Patrick Welter

a correspondent for Economics and policy in Japan, based in Tokyo.

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Shortly thereafter, IOC President Thomas Bach confirmed at an Online press conference on these plans. He praised the “determination and efficiency” of the Japanese side.

priority of the health and safety of those Involved, it said in Tokyo. A simplified Form of the Olympic games means, according to the presented principles, that the number of members present should be reduced. The athletes and the spectators, except according to the words of Mutos. The deletion of individual competitions had not been spoken, said Muto.

Drop-Offs instead of Parking

According to the fundamental principles on which the organising Committee with the IOC have agreed should be retained the key sports events to the extent possible. A reduction in the programme the IOC is expected to also difficult to talk to. In Lausanne, for the management of operational execution of the games competent IOC Director Christophe Dubi voice exactly like Muto in Tokyo, with up to 200 Details that were on the list of the joint Task Force. You’ll leave no stone on the other.

As an example, for savings in the Service area, he called the conversion of Parking for Drop-offs. The Question, whether there really is so much area to be used, as previously estimated. It had been in the past plans that would have exceeded the demand. The question of whether the test competitions, which were failed due to the Corona-crisis, would have to be made up, standing in the room.

torch run is in question

all areas of the Olympic games, including the torch relay will be Covered after the Mutos words, but. Cultural elements that did not belong to the core, to be checked. Generally speaking, Muto said that the service should be adapted to offer. He called no target, what are the costs to reduce the swivel to simplified Games.

“We want the Olympic games the world will be accepted during the corona crisis,” said Yoshiro Mori, the President of the Japanese organizing Committee, the simplification of the sports festival. Mori stressed that a cancellation of the games will not be spoken had been.