A little less than six months before the start of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP), “we cannot say that there is widespread enthusiasm”, noted a few days ago, one of the actors in the preparation of the event. A survey carried out from January 15 to 20 by the company Toluna Harris Interactive tends to confirm this observation. Interest in JOPs “is growing abroad and stagnating in France”, according to this survey carried out in eight countries (France, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, United States, South Korea, Japan) .

This barometer, which is in its fourth wave since April 2023, shows that, while a slight majority (59%) of French people say they “intend to follow” this Olympic edition, the proportion remains unchanged compared to October 2023. It is even down slightly compared to April 2023 (61%).

Conversely, interest expressed in the Games is increasing in the four European countries: 72% of those questioned say they want to follow the Games, an increase of 5 points compared to October 2023, and a return to the April level 2023 (71%). Among Americans, interest is also increasing: 71%, compared to 61% in October 2023 and April 2023.

After a dip in July and October 2023, “the intention to follow the Paralympic Games is strengthening”, whether in France, in the four European countries or in the United States, the survey also underlines. Fifty-three percent of Americans and 52 percent of Europeans surveyed say they will follow the event. The proportion is 47% in France.

“The French are critical of ticket prices, security and transport performance,” the survey also notes. Thus, 61% of those questioned consider that the Paris 2024 Games are less financially accessible than previous editions, compared to 8% who consider them more accessible. For 36% of respondents, transport should be less efficient and faster than during previous Games (14% think it will be more efficient and faster) and 34% think it will be less safe (8% think it will be more sure).