An exceptional bonus for exceptional mobilization? At the call of their unions, dozens of police officers began to demonstrate on Thursday January 18 to protest against the conditions of their mobilization next summer to ensure the security of the Paris Olympic Games.

In Strasbourg, in pouring rain, around forty police officers disrupted traffic at the entrance to the Europe Bridge which crosses the Rhine towards Germany. “Angry police officers,” could be read on a blue tent in the colors of the Alliance union. Lionel Maunier, departmental secretary, complained about the lack of information on what awaits his colleagues.

“We simply know that there will be 100% presence required, including 30% of Strasbourg staff in Paris between July 24 and August 11,” he explained to AFP. Except we have children, some of us are also caregivers. We don’t know how we’re going to organize ourselves, we can’t plan ahead. »

At Paris – Charles-de-Gaulle airport, police officers carried out a work-to-rule strike at the start of the day, causing an additional hour of waiting for passengers, according to an airport source. In Bordeaux, around ten representatives of Alliance Police nationale met at Saint-Jean station to distribute a leaflet proclaiming “Delinquency will not take a vacation! “.

Guarantees on leave rights

The unions are demanding in particular guarantees on summer leave rights, bonuses for all agents of up to 2,000 euros and social support, in particular on the issue of childcare, for example by financing checks universal employment-service.

The three main peacekeeper defense organizations (Alliance, SGP Police-FSMI-FO Unit and UNSA-Police) were received on Monday by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. “The minister reiterated his wish that the support measures be finalized by the end of January,” commented his entourage to AFP, specifying that the discussions on “the terms of remuneration for this mobilization and social support (childcare)” were “constructive”.

An envelope of 500 million euros should be released, according to two sources close to the matter. Throughout France, “three hundred police stations are blocked” on Thursday and only emergencies were provided, according to Sylvain André, member of Alliance in Strasbourg. Most rallies for this “Black Thursday” called by these police unions are scheduled for noon to midday.