Russian hooligans have been celebrating their violent attacks on England football fans during the 2016 tournament in France. They claim that the brutal assaults were necessary to protect Russian supporters who were allegedly trapped by English fans. Messages shared on the encrypted app Telegram by pro-Russia hooligan groups paint a different picture of the events that took place in Marseille.

According to these messages, a bus carrying members of a Russian marketing campaign called ‘Russia Loves Football’ was surrounded by intoxicated English fans in Old Port Square. The English supporters mistook the bus for the Russian football team’s coach and blocked its path, leading to a tense situation. The messages claim that the bus was on the verge of being driven into the water by the aggressive English fans before being rescued by “three hundred Russian fighters.”

As the Euro 2024 competition approaches, England fans are concerned about the possibility of being targeted by hooligans once again. Memories of previous violent attacks by Russian thugs in Marseille have left a lasting impact on the supporters. Some fans fear that history may repeat itself, especially during the upcoming game against Serbia.

The reputation of English fans as targets for violence abroad has made them vulnerable to attacks by hooligans from other countries looking to enhance their notoriety. Reports indicate that neo-Nazis and hooligans are already claiming a presence on the streets of Germany, where the tournament will be held. The police chief of Gelsenkirchen, the city hosting England’s opening game against Serbia, has warned of the expected influx of hundreds of thugs.

To prevent clashes between rival fans, organizers have taken precautions such as dividing the city into two halves and setting up a large viewing area for ticketless English supporters. Despite these measures, concerns remain high regarding the safety of fans during the tournament.