Viktoria rebensburg has spoken out against Considerations of the International ski Federation (Fis), the from the 8. to 21. February 2021 in Cortina d’ampezzo planned world Ski Championships, to the Olympic to move 2022. The organizers in the Dolomites want to move the title fights a year, in the Corona-crisis less risk. 2022 would fall, but Olympic and world Championships in a Winter.

“As an Athlete I can definitely say that it is impossible that the Olympic winter games and the world Ski Championships in the same year,” said Rebensburg (30) the Internet Portal on the weekend. Both events would lose “value”. From the sportsman point of view, a training control with two height points in a season was “not conceivable,” she told the “Bild am Sonntag”.

Personally would play the 30-Year-old compared to the winter in Beijing is quite clear the world Cup in Cortina d’ampezzo prefer: “Because the skiing is as lived.” At the recent Games in Asia to 2018 in the South Korean city of Pyeongchang had been missing, however, “the Spirit that such a large sports event is unique”.

Also Rebensburgs colleague, Nicole Schmidhofer (Austria) is against the relocation. “For me, it is inconceivable that such a Plan is supported from a skiers point of view. There are people that have no idea of physical and mental stress to talk,“ said the Super-G world champion in 2017.

The Fis wants to on the 2. July to decide whether the world Cup will be moved due to the special circumstances due to the Corona pandemic a year. The Italian Federation preferred a sweep directly after the Olympic Games (4. to 20. February 2022).