That Therese Johaug is your competitor in race no Chance, got used to the long runners in the world Cup already. The ten-time world champion and three-times overall world Cup winner is but also without skis under the feet of a world-class runner, showed the 31-Year-old is now in the “Impossible Games” in Oslo.

Achim Dreis

sports editor.

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In a Solo 10,000 meters of the running strong won the light-weight at the replacement event for the “Bislett Games” one race alone against the clock, and cracked in no time with the standard for the world track and field Championships in Eugene, 2022. 31:50 minutes would have been necessary, in order to create the world standard, Johaug ran 25 laps in 31:40,69 minutes. The success-oriented Norwegian over the whole face shone, because she had once more defeated themselves. Your personal best time, they increased by a whopping 50 seconds. Already in 2019 she had ventured once without skis to the 10,000-Meter distance, and at that time had become prompt Norwegian champion.

On skis, the “snow Queen wins” between five and 30 kilometres of pretty much all competitions, recording, classic or free style. Due to a positive Doping-Tests, you are led back to the use of a lip cream, had served in Norway, a very popular runner, however, by 2016, an 18-month Doping ban to be and therefore the Olympic games in Pyeongchang missed. After her return, she is in the snow, however, more likely is even more dominant than before.

Now, the 31-Year-old by the way, even the world’s best list of 10,000-Meter runners in track and field. This has in the Corona of the year, of course, only conditional predictive value, however, the time is considerable: At the European Championships in 2018 in Berlin, Johaug would have been with your Solo run time European champion. And a Start at the because of the Corona-crisis to a one-year suspended athletics world Championships would be for you to 2022 is definitely possible. However, the world’s elite, but a considerable bit faster on the road. The world record of the Ethiopian Almaz Ayana from the Olympic final in 2016 is 29:17,45 minutes. At the world Cup in 2019, Johaug with your Shine time to rank 15 would run as a third-best European.

In Oslo, the Director, last Thursday began as a small technical assistance for a “light rabbit”. The pace of the running time was displayed with a Laser on the inner edge of the rail, so that could orientate the Olympic relay champion it. Initially, it was addressed even to fast and missed the light signal. Johaug, which is called, because of their Stakoto-style in the snow “Duracell-Bunny”, turned around looking for and laughed as she saw the Laser behind. On the subsequent nine kilometres you ran to the beat of the mark, before two rounds increased before the end of the pace.

The “Impossible Games” was a substitute event for the Bislett Games, which are normally carried out in the framework of the Diamond League as an invitation-only event. Because of the pandemic, the premium series, the athlete has failed so far, however, complete.