The German Swimming Association (DSV) is planning to send Lutz Buschkow to the Olympic Games in Tokyo as the swimmer’s team leader. Thus, athlete spokeswoman Sarah Köhler and her deputy Tobias Preuß prevailed, who had spoken on Friday at the DSV Presidium meeting against DSV President Marco Troll, who wanted to take over this task. The DSV subsequently announced Troll’s plans in a press release. On Monday Köhler and Preuss protested in a letter addressed to the state presidents.

Christoph Becker (chwb.), Follow Sport I follow

As the F. A. Z. learned, the nomination of Buschkov, which has not yet taken place, is seen with goodwill at the German Olympic Sports Federation. At the umbrella organization responsible for the nomination, it is important that team managers are elected from qualified, full-time employees, usually the task is taken over by the performance sports directors. At the Presidium meeting on Friday, Buschkow was presented by the DSV Presidium as acting performance sports director, after Thomas Kurschilgen was brought to the door by the DSV Executive Board in February.

The plan pursued by some coaches and athlete spokespersons to appoint Michael Groß as performance sports director on an interim basis had been rejected by the DSV board around Troll. The president’s plan to fly to Tokyo as a team leader was apparently not abandoned on Monday either. In the draft of the ten-point plan, dated 26 April, which the Presidium wanted to present at a conference with the presidents of the national associations, Troll’s plan is mentioned under point one.