Re-organization at FC Zurich! On the new season Marinko Jurendic new sports chief at the city club. He takes over the management of the three divisions of “professional team”, “Academy/centre of excellence” and “FCZ women”. Jurendic had previously worked as coach of the U21-team.

This also means that the previous head of sports, Thomas Bickel is going to be the office. “The role of Thomas Bickel is re-defined. Until Further notice, it remains for the operational transfer being responsible”, it means from the FCZ.

in Addition, the Zurich Heinz Moser get on Board – he will become the new head of training and development. Moser was most recently the division chief of the Junior selection of the Swiss football Association. “I look back at 15 great and successful years at the football Association. In that time, I was able to participate in a variety of areas of the promotion of young scientists and help shape the future. After these teaching experiences, and diverse experiences in the SFV I am now looking forward to the new challenge at FC Zurich,” said Moser in the press release of the SFV. (tell)