The Swiss Football League (SFL) has adapted the protection concept for the Re-Start with the latest regulations and recommendations of the BAG. VIEW answers the most important questions:

The Federal Council allowed, in the meantime, events up to 300 people. Some viewers are now allowed into the stadium?

The two Teams and their technical and medical Staff, the referee Team, club representatives, safety coordinators, technicians, ball kids, and Stewards are set for the conduct of the games. You count the people for the TV-production as well as media representatives and photographers, you’re in the Super League already to around 250 people. On the allocation of the remaining places of the home decides the club. Each Person present must be recorded by name and for contact tracing (Contact Tracing) must be documented to the close contacts. As a close contact person to the Federal office for health (BAG), who has stayed for more than 15 minutes without protection in the vicinity (distance less than 2 meters) of an infected Person is currently under. This is likely to make the effort for clubs is very large, audience in the conventional sense allow. About half of the Super League club to be involved, therefore, no Fans (in the VIEW).

Need to carry a replacement player in the stadium in the Bundesliga masks?

no. The protection concept calls for all the Parties concerned, in the case of long-lasting contacts to comply with the distance rule of 2 meters strictly. On the bench and in the stands in a situation like this should be possible, which is why no mask must be worn. In contrast, the Mask requirement for enclosed spaces, in which it is more difficult, a minimum distance of 2 metres to comply with or a poor air circulation prevails applies. So, for example, for arrival in the Bus or in the dressing rooms.

Is measured at the entrance of fever?

For the directly on the game people involved a clinical examination, including fever, before the game fairs. In the case of the other persons entering the stadium, measured no fever. However, you must fill out a mandatory self-Declaration of the SFL and confirmed, up-to-date, no symptoms, and have in the last 10 days with any Person with Covid-19-the symptoms of close contact had. In the process, the Name and phone number must be stored so that a Corona discharge can be ensured, the Contact Tracing to interrupt the chains of Transmission.

Allowed at-risk groups into the stadium? League chief Heinrich Schifferle is 66, also FCZ President Ancillo Canepa and Lugano-Boss Angelo Renzetti are over 65.

Yes. The BAG does not prohibit people who belong to a risk group, to attend occasions, discourages them from self-protection. In the first Covid-19-concept of the League of the high-risk groups has been recommended explicitly by the game visit. But this was placed in the middle of April, in the meantime, the precautionary measures were taken in all areas of life relaxed. The current SFL-concept refers generally to the specifications of the BAG.

the Ball Must be disinfected regularly?

The balls are disinfected before and after the game. In addition to the General personal Hygiene of all Stakeholders is considered sufficient.

What happens if a player is suffering from Corona?

Is tested for a player is positive, he / she must go into Isolation. All of the people who were with him in close contact, so can be people in the same household, or persons who have resided for more than 15 minutes without protection in less than 2 meters of the infected Person, set by the cantonal health authority in quarantine and must also test. By strict adherence to the protection measures, all parties Involved can reduce the risk to as a “close contact” classified.

What happens to the lawn?

Before the kick-off will be held no common Shrink, as you want to prevent accumulations in the stadium’s belly, and the players ‘ tunnel. Also on the inlet of the kids will be omitted. The Line-Up and Handshake before the Games do not take place. The goal of hugs is to let the spacing rules are observed. Instead, the player should be able to short with the feet or the elbows touch. The players are not encouraged to spit on the lawn.

there Are new rules for the Re-Start?

Yes. Due to the strenuous program and physical injury to the players, five substitutes are allowed to prevent. While it may come per Team a maximum of three breaks during the game to prevent time. And also when the game crash there for the remaining games of the current season rule changes, because time is running out. A game must be canceled, it is considered new, if you already have 75 minutes, and more are played. If not, it will be recognized that the meeting move directly to the next day – and only the remaining time played.