The team had to gain confidence in “our game”. A set of Dimitrios Grammozis in his ultimately manageable “lilies”is often said. It was one of, if not the sporty theme in the tenure of head coach that will have the second be season of the League at the end of 16 months. The English is the Greek started with the will and the order to break with the antiquated Darmstadt football-style Cobbler-style. The club’s motto is “traditionally different”.

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But the book is consciously accepted in order to make the concept a in the industry widely used, popular way. Away from football as a pure martial arts, to in all areas of the future address, the young, capable of development, technically good players attracts. With the appropriate way of playing on the lawn. This Transition has not addressed Grammozis completely – how also?

the time was to short. After all, he has to encounter him on the probate way. It took a while, and it’s Resistances had to be overcome, if one remembers the many uninspired, weak Darmstadt first half of the season games. Because without the confidence of the (leadership) of the players, some of which are socialized in the “old” Darmstädter time, and in the hierarchy to the top has not been worn, it is still the best new concept nothing.

However, these “lilies” in front of this 31. To make it round the second-best second round team and to invigorate the meager offensive game so that in the return series, only two Teams have more hit achieved, speaks for Grammozis. “After many years, we have now reached a point where the club plan early and set the course for the new season can provide is first of all a merit of the team, but also of the coaches of the teams, because we have very well together with each other,” said the 41-Year-old this week.

The home game against Hannover 96 this Sunday (13.30 PM in the F. A. Z.-Liveticker 2. Football-Bundesliga and Sky) and the remaining three-season games will be forms the last impression of the Grammozis-“lilies”-Liaison. However, already now we can say that This Trainer has not brought it to the Fan-favorite, of the club’s leadership not rock-solid back received coverage and his first professional station safe (beginner)errors made, has delivered.