His body is for Marco Koch is not only a tool but also an important Advisor. The 30-year-old swimmer listens carefully to what he has to say to him, to feel how something feels. In the daily Training which helps the former European and world champion, to pull out in time a line, even if the plans for the day providing a few kilometres more. The breast specialist of SG Frankfurt on this type but also in basic things lead.

the end of 2019, it was time again. Cooking is a risk, and because of him the way he was, appeared to be one hundred percent correct. Until then, the native of Darmstadt had let the former national coach Henning Lambertz, the exercise plans to write. However, he developed “a small basic skepticism”. Until perhaps the last major goal of the originally for the summer of 2020, the scheduled Olympic Games in Tokyo, remained only eight months. “I would not have dared even a year for this to continue,” says the Athlete.

Be switching to Dirk Long, with the chef previously worked, was a Gamble. “We have nothing should go wrong.” The pressure would have been huge. These days, cook is sitting relaxed in the garden of the sport school of the landessportbund Hessen. Without the Coronavirus crisis had begun on Friday, the games of Japan. Due to the postponement to 2021, he has gained time. Now, there is still room but try.

More flexibility in Training

The swimmer can glide exceptionally well through the water, has open with the Olympic bill. In 2016 in Rio, he was jumped as a favorite into the pool and as the Seventh showed up again. In Tokyo, he wants to swim a race, with the “we are all three very satisfied”: in addition to Long and him self the Hessian trainer Shila Sheth, the stands in Frankfurt on the edge of the pool and to the specifications of the colleagues from Graz in the form on the day of the athlete adapts. When the stopwatch has to remain on the final day are, it remains a secret. The target time for the 200 meters breaststroke would make the handle to the precious metal likely.

The difference to the previous training design consists in the re-desired flexibility. For each unit to be precisely defined, with which loading is completed. There are hard and loose units, and once per week with a sprint-oriented, to increase the speed. “To me, the first 100 meters of fall as light as possible,” says cook. He should be able to respond to every type of race, regardless of whether the competition gets going quickly or later in the throttle.

With “brutal Jetlag and back pain” to standard time

in January, the first German swimmer and the first attempt was cook the standard time for Tokyo to undercut. The Meeting in Shenzhen, China, he went “with a brutal jet lag and back pain” due to a muscle blockade. It should not be the only reason for him much faster than the 2:09,81 minutes, he needed it, “otherwise, I don’t need to travel to the Games”. The qualification can tick off the former European record holder with a best time of 2:07,47 minutes from the year 2014, after all, and after the break, which he preferred to the Phase of the lock downs, alone on the peak of focus.