The final of the DFB-Cup will definitely take place without spectators. This is the German football Association announced on Wednesday evening. Previously, the DFB had requested the Berlin Senate, the final between Bayern Munich and Bayer Leverkusen at the Olympic stadium on 4. July pro club 5000 Fans allow.

“This request had to be negative to be granted, because the legal basis is missing,” said the DFB: “The current disposal situation in Berlin, stating that until 30. August 2020 in the capital city of large-scale events with more than 1000 persons are prohibited.“

Also, an expansion of the special game-hygiene concept of the DFB for the final had been tested. It was a question of how many Fans “in compliance with the 1000-person limit, and taking into account that this quota already 495 persons (…) have to be deducted”, to the stadium allowed to be left. Ultimately, “the effects of the Corona-pandemic no other decision” than the final to discharge, as a mind game. A shift in the game came not out of the question.

especially Leverkusen had pushed for the admission of a limited number of viewers. DFB-President Fritz Keller revealed, however, even before the decision skeptical.