A Surprise it was neither for the Swiss Football League (SFL) for Sion President Christian Constantin. And certainly not for lawyers: The competition Commission has decided not to open an antitrust investigation due to the resumption of the football championship to begin. CC had tried to ban the Re-Start, because of the unequal number on the 30. June expiring game lead contracts to be an unfair distortion of competition.

the CC takes the decision established That: “no public interest in a prohibition on the resumption of the championship was the competition Commission have told me on a phone conference that. This is an individual interest. Well, if the prefers to protect the League, the shown has, in the case of losing the resumption of 1.75 million francs, the clubs, which are now 30 to 35 million flutes to go – okay. I accept that and close the file.”

“… if necessary, I will go to the international court of arbitration for sport”

What he wants but do not, in the case of his two new signings Serey Dié, the since 1. June under the contract, and Gaëtan Karlen, whose contract 1. July is valid. He wants the two to Re-Start at the 20. June in St. Gallen to play. CC: “I’m working with high pressure: I have sent the qualification request for Serey and is now waiting for the decision of the Commission.” And what if the is negative, what will certainly happen? “Then I’ll go with that to the appeal court of the SFL and, if necessary, to the International court of arbitration for sport.”

Not a threat with a civil court? “No,” says CC, the malicious bastard. Why not? “Because this would be a matter of the player, a labour court, if he would have made impossible the execution of his job.” That Serey had to do this almost, but CC has: “The contracts of my two new signings begin to run until the day on which you receive the permission. And until then you have no right to wage.” Say: as Long as the two of them are not qualified, you see no money, because they do not provide play according to the CC-logic of their work performance in the Form of a championship. Even if this is through no fault of …

“Would play the games under Protest,”

After all, the CC will not take the risk of the two, even if the qualification is pending. “But I would play the games under Protest, in which they are missing. And if I got right, would have to be recognized at these games.” Which would mean because of the time constraints, the end of the championship …

CC is of good courage, to prevail. He refers to the English and French versions of the Covid-19-regulations of the Fifa. There is this passage: “In derogation from art. 6, Para. 1 of the regulations has a professional player whose contract has expired due to Covid-19, or the right to be outside of a registration period an Association registered has been terminated.”

In English, it is clear that it is on account of the contracts, which have expired due to Covid-19 or were terminated. Smart CC, however, want to have identified that in the original English version of the words “expired” on Covid-19 refers to. Which would mean: Any player whose contract is “expired”, can be qualified.
The thing is not yet over.

CC is on the wrong

on comment of VIEW of foot-ball editor-in-Alain Kunz

the competition Commission wants to Sion-Boss Christian Constantin is now the immediate qualification of his two new signings Serey Dié and Karlen with all the violence through Boxing. It was also a slap in the face for him, that on the opposite side, so at Xamax, the two
of it summarily dismissed Djourou and Kouassi will be allowed to play.

the competition Commission follows for the League the next good news. CC is, by its action and the justification is on the wrong track. Of course, the English and the French wording of the Covid-19-regulations of the Fifa, are legally not a hundred percent waterproof. Also, if the lawyers had to usually be for years and years poring over the laws, and here, everything quickly, quickly made.

smart , and it has bite CC once the teeth out. He lost at the end, crashing and FC Sion would be relegated, therefore, to a hair. The world football governing body, has provided his Covid regulations with specified explanations, leave no doubt more open: There is no new players will be able to be qualified! With a few exceptions. Such as, for example, those who have lost their Job because of the Corona-crisis. How Djourou and Kouassi.

Perhaps the descent is at the end of the useless struggle of the Sion President, this time, actually.