This sets Mischa Ebner said in November 2002 for the “sports magazine”. Three months earlier, the weapons runner in niederwangen BE had violated a 20-year-old Maturandin with a knife fatally. And three weeks after these words, he hanged himself in the regional prison in Thun.

wounds from Childhood healed never

the deeds of The Mischa Ebner moved 18 years ago to Switzerland. The 27-Year-old was one of the best runners in the country. His sports colleagues raved about the affable and dashing man. His employer praised the chef as “the Best we have ever set”. His girlfriend spoke of a harmonious relationship.

In his innermost being, but it was bubbling violently. Ebner suffered as a result of his botched Childhood. As Mischa was four years old, he and his brother adopted. They were previously found neglected and were in their development backward.

“I am totally overwhelmed with the Situation,”

Misha of 23 years, the legendary Mrs. fields, your gun won, the world seemed to be in order. But a few days later, his brother committed suicide. The disaster took its course.

personals and notes at Pin walls, he lured potential victims. Three weeks after the murder of the Maturandin the so-called “mitter was arrested at night-killer”. In the interview, he admitted everything and confessed to a further 29 offences.

Ebner saw only one way out: suicide. 24. In November 2002, he established himself with a white sheet from a rope and hanged himself to the cell window.

you can find help Here

consulting telephone of the Offered Hand: phone 143 www.143.chBeratungstelefon Pro Juventute (children and adolescents): telephone 147 www.147.chWeitere addresses and information:

hideaway club for survivors after suicide: www.verein-refugium.chNebelmeer – prospects after the suicide of a parent: