How long have you boarded a plane or spending hours in a car sat?

Flown, I’m actually the last Time was exactly five months to the UAE Tour in the Emirates. It was in my long professional career never. But the eternal Travelling as part of Cycling I don’t miss. With the car I was in last week with my parents in Eschborn.

Have you trained in your youth, times innumerable, often travelled, 16-kilometre lap around the house between Kelkheim and Hofheim?

no. But I’ve driven a couple of times the Feldberg mountain high because I’ve trained intervals. In commuter traffic, this route is no great pleasure.

at the beginning of August to roll on the professional Cycling again, you will start at the Tour de l’ain (5. to 9. August). Do you already have an idea of how the racing to-day life will look like between the Corona-Tests and foreclosure?

no, I’m extremely curious to see how this really is going to expire. Especially in the case of the Tour de France it will be a pity if the contact with the audience is missing. Because that makes the Tour also. But I can imagine that it is in the second or third race weekend also quite pleased with the unaccustomed peace and quiet. I hope that this goes hand in hand with more safety for us drivers.

you had the racing accidents in the past few years, some hard. Have you gone to your old racing days for the daredevils or unlucky?

A daredevil was, and I’m certainly not. But I think my front wheel in the gaps that I have to keep clean. At my heavy crash at the Vuelta last year, six men lie on the floor and I’m the Only one who can’t stand up any more. This falls more in the category of bad luck. Basically, I have proved often that I came to accidents, can quickly get back on the bike and a good level of performance. To a vertebral fracture I am compared to some of the other riders mostly unscathed.

the aspects of safety and falls Are responsible for your withdrawal thought for the end of the season?

Yes, definitely. The Sport is so much fun. I’ve noticed in the Lockdown Phase, as for a long time no one could know what he’s training at all. Since it has been lacking, I never have the Motivation. I have since discovered a new side of Cycling for me. Without the otherwise, all performance-defining thoughts, but for the fun of riding a bike. I felt like someone who uses his vacation, to travel, to drive the wheel. What I could never understand why you do that (laughs).