Tag: Robotics


Robotic Assistance for Astronauts’ Physical and Mental Health in Space

Researchers have suggested that astronauts embarking on long space voyages should have access to robotic assistance to help maintain their physical and mental health....

The Impact of AI on Human Creativity: Insights from UAB Philosopher

The Impact of AI on Human Creativity: A Philosophical PerspectiveArtificial Intelligence (AI) has been making significant advancements in recent years, leading to claims of...

AI Summit in Seoul: KI-Gipfel in Seoul

Global AI Summit in Seoul: International Experts Discuss Risks and RegulationsAt the recent AI Summit in Seoul, international experts gathered to discuss the risks...

The push to create humanlike AI is wasted effort

The push to create humanlike AI is wasted effortScarlett Johansson’s voice is unmistakable — a smoky alto with an undercurrent of steel. So, when...

Bloomberg – Are you a robot?

Newsworthy: Bloomberg Experiences Unusual Activity - Are you a robot?In a surprising turn of events, financial news giant Bloomberg recently found itself questioning the...