Why to buy someone else’s house while you can design it yourself, choose the very precise details of every room? Nowadays, building a house is more affordable than it was in the old days… and what possibilities! That’s precisely why more and more customers choose to put their trust in builders and architects. And they are becoming increasingly exigeant. How to satisfy them? Using a home design software seems pretty indispensable to make them visualize and accept the project. But what is really a home design software and how to use it the right way? Let’s answer those questions.


Home design software: what for?


What’s the point in using a home design software? Well, it helps the customers envisage their future in the house, by means of reliable virtual renderings. These show every details of the construction: the outside and the inside on different viewing perspectives… In addition, a home design software often includes decoration sets, which helps obtaining a very realistic rendering. In that respect, a good home design software is a real asset to improve sales! 


There are plenty of home design software currently available online or downloadable. One drew our attention: Cedreo. How is it different from the other software? Here are some answers.


Cedreo’s home design software: a key for your success?


The main difference between Cedreo and its peers is that it’s meant for sales representatives and not engineering and architecture departments. It means that every professional in contact with the client is now capable of creating efficient 3D renderings in a matter of minutes. How is that possible? In fact, the software includes numerous features as the possibility of re-using the previous projects or automatic roofs added in one click… In addition, tutorials are available online to help the sales representatives master the software in record time. No 3D skills are needed!


As a result, the visualization process gets much more easier for the customer. He or she can even have the possibility to ask for live modifications and as a consequence, take faster decision about the project. This makes a huge difference as it is well known that time matters a lot in a buying process.


Why look elsewhere? It seems like sometimes, the easiest option is also the best one. Moreover, about 2,500 operatives are already using Cedreo’s home design software.