The Federal government is the adoption of battery-electric cars are more environmentally friendly and the only right engine for the future. Anyway, you narrowed state funding on vehicles with such drive and increase the subsidy to up to 9000 Euro per vehicle. In the public perception, this assumption is shared in many places, but not among professionals from the industry, the sign is often in doubt. The electric car is probably not locally emission-free, in its overall energy balance, from production to scrapping, however. Again and again the question arises, with which CO2 backpack an electric car compared to a passenger car with a combustion engine starts, in particular, a relatively economical Diesel of the latest Euro 6 exhaust emission standard.

Holger Appel

editor in the business, responsible for the “technology and Motor”.

F. A. Z.

the doubters, the Institute for world economy in Kiel (IfW), in the Person of the researcher, Ulrich Schmidt pours water on their mill. In a study of the energy demand and the composition of electricity sources in Germany, Schmidt comes to the conclusion that the electric car is worth never, it is even counter-productive impact, in terms of the goal of CO2-avoidance. He is thus against studies of the Fraunhofer Institute for System and innovation research and the Heidelberg Institute for energy and environmental research, have attested to the electric car at the current electricity mix in Germany to a positive climate balance. “These studies neglect the increased power consumption resulting from the Expansion of electric mobility,” counters Schmidt. Account is taken of the same, led, electric cars to 73 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than a modern Diesel passenger car. It environmental use of renewable energies to the reduction of the generation of electricity from coal, as a fuel for electric cars.

if you wanted to calculate the carbon footprint under the current electricity mix, this meant that the additional electricity demand from a proportional increase of renewable and fossil energies, successes, says Schmidt from the Kiel Institute. Without electric mobility, the increased current is not generated demand, and you can use the Expansion of renewable energies to the reduction of fossil fuels, especially coal. According to the data of the force travel Federal office around 630 billion kilometres were travelled in the year 2018 with the passenger cars. Schmidt calculates: the average consumption of an electric car 15 kWh per 100 km, this would result in a complete transition to electric mobility alone, the passenger car, a power consumption of around 94 TWh, which is equivalent to 18.4 percent of the net production of 515 TWh in Germany. The cautious expected, because according to our test experience, the average consumption would be closer to 20 kWh. In addition, according to Schmidt, the increased energy requirement in the production of electric cars.