The future of the recipe is digital. Yet to be issued annually in Germany, more than 500 million recipes on paper, to the pharmacy and redeemed. The digitization of this procedure is to relieve Doctors, pharmacies and insurance: Federal health Minister Jens Spahn is driving the modernization of the health system, and the electronic recipe belongs in addition to the electronic patient file. The Insured person maintains his health card with the short-range radio NFC for a few seconds on his Smartphone, the recipe ends up on the device, and with another press of a button he sees, which of the pharmacies in the vicinity of the drug to be ready, or what the national shipping can deliver to the pharmacy immediately.

Michael Spehr

editor in the Department of “technology and engine”.

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Doctors may 1. Of July for the statutory health insurance funds Insured will issue an electronic prescription, and the 1. January to need to be prescribed prescription-only medicinal products exclusively electronically. Who can be in a video consultation your physician, do not need to then come into the practice for a prescription to pick up.

The E-prescription is included in the telematics infrastructure, doctor’s offices, and the 19 400 pharmacies in Germany are in need of a “connector” for the connection. With these devices, there were in the past, massive problems. The doctor writes the prescription with a qualified electronic signature, which replaced the hand-written signature. The recipe then lands on a recipe Server, the IBM Germany provides.

Each drug, a prescription

The Insured person receives on his / her Smartphone or Tablet is a prescription-Token, or a print-out with QR Code. gets With the Latter, you can redeem the prescription in the pharmacy. If the Insured has a NFC-enabled electronic health card and a Smartphone with NFC, the medical regulations in one App to manage them.

The Ministry of health Gematik introduced and developed a recipe App for the Apple and the Android world, as well as for the due to the American Handelsbanns from Google Play Store, cut off the newer Huawei devices. Several medications could be on a paper prescription, each drug in the future, one of your own. The doctor writes a prescription, the Software of the practice system of a recipe-ID, which is valid for ten years is.

the doctor

The sign of the electronic recipe is made either on a stack of signature, with the help of a doctor writes all of the costs incurred recipes with a single Pin input under. Or he chooses a “comfort signature”, which allows, in 24 hours, a maximum of 250 regulations to the letter. The electronic health professional card, the doctor has to get stuck during the operation in a card reader. Instead of the identification of a treatment room to the next take, the doctor, and also during the entire consultation, in a single card reader plugged in, while he changes rooms. Then the area around the computer, the card reader and the card must be protected against access by third parties.