Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, Boring Company, Twitter… the list of companies created or controlled by Elon Musk is long. Now you have to add a new one. Musk has finally revealed the name of the company focused on artificial intelligence that he had been designing for a long time. It will be called xAI and, according to Musk, it will seek to “understand the nature of the universe.”

It sounds ambitious, but the company’s first product will be somewhat more limited. Musk has recruited engineers from companies like DeepMind, OpenAI, or the R&D departments of big companies like Microsoft and Google with the idea of ​​creating a language model and chatbot that rivals ChatGPT, Bard, and other similar recent developments. In an April interview, Musk tentatively called this new model TruthGPT, hinting that he will focus on training it to maximize objectivity.

On several occasions, Musk has criticized the developments of his now competitors, considering that their language models have been trained with significant biases and excessive political correctness.

So far Musk has not provided details about how the company will work or how much time he plans to dedicate to it from his already busy schedule. Musk recently handed over Twitter’s presidency to Linda Yaccarino, a veteran ad executive who came to Twitter with a mission to fix the social network’s deteriorating relationships with advertisers, but retains the role of director of product and development and is actively involved. in the social network.

In addition, he is the executive president of the Boring Company (a tunnel boring company that has built several underground transportation routes in Los Angeles and Las Vegas), Neuralink (focused on the development of brain-machine interfaces) and of course Tesla, which until now It is your most successful company.

On its website, xAI explains that although it is an independent entity, it will work together with Twitter, Tesla and the rest of the companies in different practical applications. Part of the founding team will hold an open meeting on Twitter on Friday in which they will give more details.

Musk was one of the founding members of OpenAI, which was born in 2005 as a non-profit organization focused on developing innovative artificial intelligence tools. Musk, however, soon withdrew from the project due to differences with the board of directors. Soon after, OpenAI became a for-profit company and is now one of Silicon Valley’s hottest companies, valued at nearly $30 billion.

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