While many Windows computers already have touchscreens, Apple does without this feature on its Macs. But according to a report, the group is considering a change of strategy. According to this, in two years there could be Apple computers with a touchable screen.

According to a media report, Apple could launch Mac computers with a touchscreen in a departure from its previous strategy. The group is considering the year 2025 for this, wrote the financial service Bloomberg. The market launch could come as part of an update for the MacBook Pro. At the same time, no final decision has been made and the plans could still be overturned, citing people familiar with the effort.

While many manufacturers of Windows computers give their devices touchscreens, Apple doesn’t have them on its Macs. On the other hand, there are touch-sensitive screens on the iPad, which can also be used as a computer in many usage scenarios. So far, Apple has argued that Macs and iPads have different operating concepts and areas of application. Software boss Craig Federighi said years ago that they had built prototypes of touchscreen Macs, but found no added value in them.

In the past two years, Apple has switched Macs from Intel processors to chips it developed itself. This means that all devices are based on one processor technology. While sales of Windows PCs have since fallen sharply after a boom at the beginning of the pandemic, Macs have gained market share. For the Macs, it was the third change in chip platform after the transition from Motorola to IBM’s PowerPC in the early 1990s and to Intel in 2005. The transition had been announced for a long time. On the iPhone and iPad, Apple had managed to pack a lot of power into a small format through in-house chip developments. With the Mac, on the other hand, the group had to wait again and again for new processors from Intel.