Today, most businesses have adopted a social media strategy. However, most of these companies improvise without plans because they inherit their online presence from people. Thus, they don’t pay attention to it and identify the techniques that work and those that don’t. If you use social media to promote your business and engage with your consumers, then it’s important to perform a quick audit to determine if your social media strategy aligns with your business goals. Social media audit works as a guideline to help you identify your growth possibilities, outdated profiles, and the need to revive or rebrand your business and engage your audience. The data obtained from the audit enrich your social media strategy to maximize your ROI.

The Process of Social Media Auditing

  1. Know your social media profiles

When performing a social media audit for your business, identifying your social media profiles is the first thing you should do. With the right marketing strategy, you can quickly find your social media profiles. Nonetheless, the profiles are commonly found on platforms that have lost popularity, such as Google Plus, Snapchat, and LinkedIn.

  1. Record your data

Keep a record of each platform’s profile, the number of followers, and individuals that can access it. Keep track of how you regularly update your profile and how your audience posts and reacts to other people’s comments and reviews. Assess if there’s always an increase in engagements in each post and if your followers prefer fewer updates.

  1. Complete your profile

Once you identify all your social media profiles, look at each one of them to ensure you’ve filled out all the required details. Social media platforms differ depending on the amount of information they need. By checking your profile, you’ll ensure your business benefits from all your accounts.

Things to Look for When Performing Social Media Auditing

Here are the things to look for when conducting auditing of social media for your business:

  • Identify what’s working and what’s not– Examine your KPIs and identify the social metrics that contribute to them. For instance, if you want to increase engagement, you’ll need to identify the posts and the platforms on which your business gets the most comments, reactions, and shares. By doing so, you will identify the efforts that are proving fruitful and tactics that you may need to change.
  • Assessing what your competitors are doing– Businessowners like a little healthy competition. However, this doesn’t mean you have to copy what your competitors are doing but rather get an insight into the popular emerging trends. If you find a popular trend, you may have to join the pack and use that trend in a way that will set your business apart.
  • Identifying accounts that you need to refresh– Business hours, pictures, and descriptions of your company can change occasionally, and determining profiles with outdated content will help you identify where to change. Additionally, reviewing the information across all social media platforms will help you keep your brand consistent, enabling your followers to identify your business easily and trust your brand even more.
  • Finding more opportunities for growth– The social media landscape is constantly changing, so there could be some newly introduced features that you may need to know. It’s important to understand what’s going on, so finding new things for your brand to try on various platforms will be thrilling.

Whether it’s designing video content for different types of social media ad placements, or jumping on board the latest TikTok challenge, there are always initiatives you can undertake.

When choosing services for auditing social media, you have to ensure it entails all four stages of the auditing process.

  • Discovery phase– This is the process of assessing all corporate-owned and fake websites related to a company’s name.
  • Network auditing– This is a process of evaluating all accounts across channels to determine if they align with your social media strategies.
  • Content auditing– This refers to a review of your business’s content strategy.
  • Brand presence auditing– This step involves assessing the content of your social pages, such as cover art, logos, avatars, and business details.

Time and Cost of Social Media Auditing Service

A social media audit service can cost you between $300 and $5000 based on the service you select and the number and type of accounts you want to audit. You can take about 30 minutes to complete an audit. When considering conducting an audit, look at the benefits you will reap from it instead of the cost. The costs vary depending on the services that suit your business needs and model. There are various ways you can audit your social media accounts. You can do it manually, utilize an app, or hire an expert like Netbase Quid, a digital analytic company. Working with Netbase Quid is the ideal option because they know the metrics to check and interpret them accurately. As a result, you will get the best results while optimizing your social media marketing efforts.