In the crisis of the Corona Shutdowns Mercedes expected-Benz sharp. Seems to be sharp, since the dealerships have re-opened and the Federal government has attracted even bigger buy pants for electric cars, to drown the Swabians in orders for their A-class with a Plug-in hybrid drive. In the meantime, the order has been closed adoption, but since 1. July to take re-orders, assured a spokesman for the company. Seductive, almost calculated lease payments of 250 euros per month in connection with the state-subsidised promotion made the A 250 E so attractive, that the orders in June have increased tenfold.

Holger Appel

editor in the business, responsible for the “technology and Motor”.

F. A. Z.

The met to a limited imaginary special edition that was sold out much faster than planned. Even if one sets the low output level of this drive variant is based, that is a decent Run. Allegedly have been sold within two weeks 15,000. So, exactly, Daimler does not want to quantify that, but that Plug-in Hybrids are the big winners of the state control, the group confirmed. Which is why he nachsteuert in the production of A 250 E and probably other hybrid models. Nevertheless, in times that were previously to three months of delivery, range, well into the next year.

In A 250 E cooperates with a 1.3-Liter four-cylinder with an electric motor, together they are developing 218 HP and 450 Nm of torque. With a 15.6-kWh battery is according to the standard, for 77, and in everyday life for around 50 electric kilometres of well. Normal bought the pleasure is certainly not cheap, about 36,800 euros at the small Mercedes, the Compact and hatchback will be led, in the price list.