How excited you must be? If Mercedes makes the infotainment system called M-Bux with each generation of vehicles a little bit better, is the praise of quite announced. Admittedly, the car drives without Multimedia, but the facilities around Navigation, communication and entertainment is becoming more and more important. We have now tried the latest M-Bux in the new Mercedes GLE. The big plus point of the system was, and is, the voice recognition, which relies on natural language input, and as a hybrid system on the one hand, the built-in resource uses, and on the other hand, a connection to the Internet based, and with the help of the Cloud, further requests are processed. M-Bux understands more than any other System, and it understands the inputs better than others. One speaks in front of the Navi-destination, starts to question the co-pilot is usually without any return, because he is sure.

Michael Spehr

editor in the Department “technology and Motor”.

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But only the. For the first time succeeded, what failed with Siri and colleagues on a regular basis: The selection of music with more demanding requirements, such as for classical music. “Play Beethoven’s Appassionata”, which must be implemented in the piano Sonata number 23. Siri, the M and the moonlight Sonata plays, Bux makes it right. And still more difficult: “games Actus Tragicus”, the system must also know the composer, and to correctly unravel the Bach cantata “God’s time is the best time” is meant. M-Bux you can the everything and this is fascinating, especially learning speech Recognizer and proposals, whether user behaviour in the past, so such offering, in the morning on the way to the office, the mother call, when part of the usual Routine. M-Bux will remember favorite songs, radio stations, phone numbers, and more.

As in the Smartphone world can be the speech Recognizer now without the push of a button with a spoken “Hey Mercedes” to activate. Practically, if the passenger wants to activate the heated seats, because the technology recognizes that the command is coming from the right, and assigns the command correctly. Otherwise, the value in use is kept within limits, and also the assistant to start as soon as you say Mercedes, because you about the car or the brand. Also, it is not clear that M-Bux is error-free, of course, here the air remains to the top. An address of Three-word Codes (What 3 Words) enter not succeeded, for example.

More fascination stems from the sheer size and splendor of the investment. Two monitors, each with 12.3-inches in the diagonal, the main components are, the left is sensitive to the touch, and the cockpit is replaced behind the steering Wheel display, the right also responds to finger touches, and the interior wizard, you could as a gesture panel 2.0, the call is. He captures the movements of the Hand in front of the touch screen, and in contrast to previous solutions, you do not need to perform predefined wiping movements, but the System interprets what you are doing, highlighting, for example, specific elements, and also distinguishes between the driver and the passenger. The interior wizard recognizes in the dark, that the Hand of the reading light is approaching, and switches these on or off automatically. Engages you in the direction of the unoccupied passenger seat, in order to search stored objects, it is illuminated automatically. As soon as the Hand leaves the area, it will disable the light again.

Pretty cool, a favorites function, which is triggered when you Show spread the Hand with the “V” and the middle finger holds on the center console. So you can launch a favorite command, again thanks to the detection of the posture of the hand separately for the driver and front passenger. Among the other innovations in the GLE, automatic driver seat adjustment, arranged to input the body size of the seat optimally.