Stiftung Warentest looks through six current VR glasses. The two best devices cost more than 1000 euros, but a headset for around 500 euros also receives a good quality rating.

Virtual reality (VR) in work and leisure is not exactly booming, but its spread is growing steadily. According to Statista, the industry’s turnover with hardware and software in Germany was around 160 billion euros in 2021 and around 200 billion euros this year. Growth to 220 billion euros is expected for 2023, and it could be 250 billion the following year. For the current issue of the magazine “test”, Stiftung Warentest determined which glasses are currently best for traveling in virtual worlds.

There are basically two different systems: glasses that only work in conjunction with a powerful PC and devices that can also work independently. Stiftung Warentest tested a total of six current solutions, four of which require a computer and two are self-sufficient. The focus of the test was the visual quality, which was included in the judgment with 60 percent. In addition, comfort and handling (each 20 percent) were rated.

Stiftung Warentest was particularly impressed by the VR glasses for games, which is also their main purpose. The examiner found 3D videos rather disappointing. Even image material with a very high resolution (8K) is not enough for a crystal-clear 360-degree display, he writes.

The test winner was the Valve Index VR kit with an overall rating of 1.8. Its average online price is 1080 euros. The device delivers the best VR quality (1.8) and offers the highest refresh rate. The examiner also praised the handling and wearing comfort of the headset. However, glasses wearers can have problems and the device is quite heavy at 808 grams.

The second-placed HTC Vive Pro 2 Full Kit weighs even more with 818 grams. The VR glasses received the quality rating of 1.9 and are particularly expensive at 1400 euros. Its VR quality is almost as good as that of the test winner and users see the highest resolution with it. The HTC solution is also well suited for people who wear glasses.

Rank 3 conquered the Meta Quest 2. It is the best tested VR glasses that can also be used without a PC. It achieved the overall grade of 2.2 independently with good VR quality, although it only costs 540 euros. Due to the system, it also allows a high degree of freedom of movement and its battery lasts for a long time with a running time of around three hours. Stiftung Warentest also likes the low weight (538 grams), the easy setup and the high level of comfort. However, the Meta Quest 2 is not ideal for people who wear glasses and the examiners found the data protection declaration to be very incomplete.